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the (all about) love club

we will be meeting just before the worm/full moon to discuss chapter 2 - Justice: Childhood Love Lessons (~15 pages).

delia grace (she/they) is hosting a book club centering bell hooks’ all about love as a tool for collective love & liberation. join for tender discussion with a virtual community of beloveds 💜🍉 Bring a writing utensil & surface, hydration, a friend, pets, sundry cozy shit.

Meetings will be held monthly, each covering just ONE chapter, in addition to other intersectional works and philosophies - ranging from Yogic philosophy, Tricia Hersey, Buddhism, Octavia Butler, adrienne maree brown, et al. Join for one meeting, a few, or all of them!

To RSVP/receive Zoom link
or if you have any questions, slide into these DMs!
Recommended $5-20 donation to d_diedrich on Venmo.

February 24

the (all about) love club